Which retailers take their competitors coupons

Ever have a coupon that you wish was for a different store? Wish no more!

In a never ending quest for retailers to get your business, some have done something that works great for us. They will honor their competitor coupons! (Applause!!) Which ones you ask? Well, heres a quick list we found....

AC Moore

If you're not familiar with AC Moore, they have over 130 craft stores in the eastern United States. They'll happily accept coupons from Michaels, JoAnn, and Hobby Lobby.
According to ThriftyGirl, "A.C. Moore does NOT accept (competitor) coupons that are off your entire purchase. You can use Michaels coupons, so long as you use it in a separate
transaction (1 coupon per transaction, meaning if you have more than one coupon to use then you have to break up your purchase). You can only use 1 Michaels and 1 A.C. Moore
(not 2 of each) coupon TOTAL and that they have to be off single items, not entire purchases."

Bed Bath & Beyond

The Bed Bath & Beyond coupon policy, when it comes to competitor coupons, is pretty liberal. They'll accept coupons happily if the store where the coupon originated also
carries the product you are buying from BB&B. The coupon must not have expired and it is up to individual stores to determine what qualifies as a "local competitor". Although
it has been my experience that they are fairly lenient on this.

Dick's Sporting Goods

So I couldn't find much online about the Dick's Sporting Goods competitor coupon policy so I decided to give my local store a buzz. I told the guy that I had a 20% off Sports
Authority coupon (which I actually do) and asked if they'd accept it. He said, "We'll price match them anyways, but if the item you're looking to buy is the same price or
higher in our store then we'll accept the 20% off coupon." So the next time you're shopping at Dick's and can't find a coupon, just pull up the Rather-Be-Shopping iPhone app
and grab a Sports Authority coupon and use it when checking out.

Home Depot

Home Depot does have a competitor coupon policy in place, but certain locations are more lenient than others. I actually read on this forum that some Home Depot locations will
accept a 20% off any 1 item coupon from Harbor Freight, even though the 2 retailers do not carry any of the same brands. It is always worth a shot, but often the coupon will
have to be from a local store that carries the same exact item you are trying to purchase. Your best bet is to be extremely friendly and polite and speak with someone in a
management position when trying to use a Harbor Freight coupon at Home Depot.

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