5 Ways Smart Shopping Makes You A Better Mom

Smart shoppers have real-life skills that translate into parenthood. Here are 5 reasons why.

Every mom wants to be a better mother to her children, but not every parent realizes how smart shopping might help. Wait, shopping can improve your parenting? Absolutely-smart shoppers have some real-life skills that easily translate into parenthood. Here are 5 reasons why.

1. Everything In It's Place

If you're a mom who is serious about saving money, you've probably learned some great organizational skills. From your old-fashioned coupon book to the spreadsheets, Pinterest boards, and blogs you use to find deals and buy the right stuff for your family, you're likely more organized than you think. Organization in one area of your life translates to organization everywhere! Use your organizational superpowers to transform everything from your morning routine to your junk drawer-your kids will learn a lot from your ability to put everything in its place.

2. Spending Savvy

Most shopping-obsessed women quickly learn that there's no point in opening the wallet if you're not taking full advantage of every penny. From coupon codes to doubling and sales, there are thousands of ways to save money on everything from household goods to big-ticket purchases. This thrift doesn't just free up more money for family fun and necessities. It shows your kids the real value of a dollar and the way that a bit of hard work and savvy spending can stretch it even further.

3. Stuck On You

Smart-shopping moms are among the most patient-and persistent-people out there. They know that there's a season for everything and a great time for nearly every financial and shopping decision, and they won't settle for anything less than the exact item they're looking for. That grit and tenacity is a real example for kids who need to learn about perseverance and patience to survive. By demonstrating the power of a plan and a vision, you're giving your kids the chance to learn how to make better choices and tolerate ambiguity and adversity.

4. Roll With the Punches

Every mom who's also a smart shopper has learned to introduce a bit of flexibility into her purchase plans. That's because budgets, prices, and opportunities shift all the time. No problem-you're great at rolling with it, right? The ability to pivot and quickly change plans to the present moment is a real benefit for moms who have to deal with the ultimate in unpredictability: their own children. When you can relax and change course without freaking out, it reminds your kids that they can be who they are and teaches them how to turn on a dime without losing their minds. Even better: being flexible means you can shift to enjoy whatever life throws your way-a great life skill for mamas and their kids.

5. A Time For Everything

Once you get deep into the world of smart shopping, you realize that the best shopping solutions save you time. Can you imagine how much time you've saved since you discovered online shopping or learned how to shop a store during the best sales and promotions? This time management doesn't just show your kiddos that you're a pro with the clock-it gives you time to spend with your family. You can use that extra time to get to know your kids, reinvest in your mental health as a mom, and cherish the now. And that's the greatest gift of all.

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